My Blog List

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fun at school

Lauren using dry erase markers and writing her letters

 Twister Fun... what a great way to practice your colors and left and right

Decorating pumpkins 

October 30 - Nov !

Our Halloween Party will be Wednesday.  Please allow your child to wear his or her costumes to school.
( please make sure that costumes are bathroom friendly)  There will be stations set up in the gym along with a wonderful story teller.

Also we will doing a Thanksgiving Feast on November 15th.  I will have a sign up sheet outside the classroom for you to donate food and or time to help cook the food.  Parents are encouraged to eat Thanksgiving dinner with your child.

Parent/Teacher Conferences  will be November 19th through 21. I will also have a sign up sheet for a time slot.

This week at school we will learn about the wonderful letter H  and the color Blue  and day three of creation.
Our bible verse is: Honor your father and mother.


Our Nursery Rhyme is:

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

REMINDER: Sunday Oct 28th

Dont forget to join us  Sunday for Trunk or Treat from 3-6
Come in your costumes and trick or treat and play games and have some fun!  Hope to see you there!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


This week at school we will be reviewing the letters:  X, N ,Z and K.

Our nursery rhyme this week is: Little Miss Muffett

Our colors are: orange, grey,black,green

Our shapes are: triangle, circle, square and diamond

We will be making leave collages this week and mixing all our colors of the week to see what color we come up with and painting with the color.  We will be writing our letters on dry erase boards and finishing our coffee filter kaleidoscopes.  We will be looking through magazines to find our colors of the week and gluing them to paper.

We are going to be playing Twister this week to practice our primary colors.

TJ's Orchard

apple press
All aboard the big yellow school bus for our first field trip of the school year!!
The kids and I along with Ms Nancy sang Wheels on the bus and sang our nursery rhymes the whole way there, we had so much fun looking out the windows and singing our favorite songs.

Once there we learned about Johnny Appleseed and how to make apple cider and toured the apple press and we even got to wash a few apples and count them too, until they rolled down to fast LOL!

We also walked through the apple orchard and learned about different kinds of apples.  Our favorite as a class is the red delicious.

Then it was off to walk through the pumpkin patch and learn how to grow pumpkins.  Did you know that the pumpkin blossom is a delicious and nutritious treat when fried in a little butter or olive oil.!!
We continued through the pumpkin patch and ended up back at the big barn where everyone enjoyed some freshly made TJ's Orchard apple cider and each child was given a goody bag to share with every one at home.  Inside was a small pumpkin and a wonderful apple from the orchard.

singing Zaccheus

 bus ride
class picture
our tour guide

learning how to make apple cider

pumpkin patch
We boarded the big yellow bus once again and headed home.. Everyone had a wonderful time and I am looking forward to another field trip in the near future.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fun times with the letter X

Garrett having some fun in dramatic play =)

  Practicing our fine motor skills with scissors and  tearing paper with our fingers.

 X marks the spot!!

  Xylophone music any one?

The Letter K

This week we will be learning about the letter K.

Our nursery rhyme is: Old King Cole

Our color of the week is: Orange
Our Bible Verse is: Keep me as the apple of your eye.
Our  shape is a Diamond. 

We will be using shaving cream this week to practice writing our letter K's and diamonds.

Don't forget our field trip on Wednesday!!  Permission slips must be turned in by Tuesday and students will be riding the bus.  You can follow or meet us there!!  Parents are free !

If you have not paid your tuition it is due at this time.


Monday, October 8, 2012

This week is the letter X

This week we will be doing the letter X and going on a scavenger hunt.   Looking for letter X on the spot.
We will be making x rays with q-tips, and use craft sticks to make an x.
Our nursery rhyme for the week is Patty Cake.
I will be sending home a cake pattern for you and your child to decorate for homework use whatever you would like to decorate them.

Hope everyone had a fun time at the fall family festival and enjoyed the fellowship.