My Blog List

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The letter T and the color brown and the Oval

This week we are going to be working on the letter T and the sound it makes.
We will be learning about the color brown.  
The oval shape.
We will be making pumpkin pie with brown and orange construction paper and cotton balls for whipped cream and using cinnamon for a sensory activity.

We will be learning the Teddy Bear song:
Teddy Bear, Teddy ear on the move, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear touch the ground. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear shoe me your shoe, Teddy bear Teddy Bear that will do! 

We will be using bubble wrap and painting with brown paint to make a bubble wrap teddy bear.

We will be making the letter T and turning them into a tea cup and a tea bag.
We will be doing a turtle activity, the children will draw what a turtle would carry on his back., we will be making a turtle from a paper plate.
Bible Verse:  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

WEDNESDAY IS TIE DAY, have your child wear a tie to school.

Thursday is our Thanksgiving Feast, there are still spots open to donate and to help, we will eat at 11am and parents are invited.  All day students will NOT need a lunch that day. 

If you have not signed up for a Conference Time yet there are several spots open.

If you have not paid tuition  it is now due.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The letter I, the number 10

This week we will be learning about the color green and the number 10 and the letter Ii.
We will be making a green iguana an ice cream cone with sprinkles.
We will be using a green pipe cleaner and colored beads to make an inch worm.
We will be playing a learning game with square blocks with the letters Ii and the children will be using tongs to pick up the ice cubes and putting them in the correct bucket.
We will be filling up a insect jar with 10 thumb prints ( insects)
We are building a igloo and walking in the snow ( bubble wrap)

Our bible verse is: I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the father except through me.  John 14:6


We will also be using Icing in plastic bags to practice writing  the letter I and the number 10. 

We are still collecting Yams for Thanksgiving Baskets.
Sign up sheet is on classroom door for Conferences.

Star student this week is Leah
Tuition is due =) 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Review Week

Thank You so much too all the parents that helped with our Halloween Party, fun was had by all!!

We will be reviewing this week and accessing for report cards.
Watch for a sign up sheet for Conferences, they will be on Monday November 25th  from 8 am to 4 pm 15 mins each, if you can not schedule  that day we can work something out.

We are collecting Yams in cans, so bring them in now until November 15th.  We will be helping needy families in our area!!

We will be having our 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Feast November 21 and we invite parents to come eat a Thanksgiving Dinner with their students.  Sign Up for donations will be posted.:   Need can corned, Turkey lunch meat, gravy and stuffing and rolls  Thank You in advance for your help.  We will also need parent volunteers to heat everything up/ ALL PRESCHOOL CLASSES WILL BE DOING THIS but eating in their classrooms.  NO lunch boxes needed for the full day students on that day.