My Blog List

Monday, April 20, 2015

Our letter D and number 17 and 18

Our letter this week is D we will be making a paper doughnut and a dog and also a duck.
We will be learning about the number 17 and 18.
Our 100th day of school is fast approaching, It will be April 28th and we will be celebrating all day!!  We will be taking 100 steps which will take us some where special with a treat waiting for us.
We will be building with 100 cups.  We are making of 100 things we are thankful for.
We will be jumping for 100 seconds.
We will be getting our wiggles out for 100 seconds.
We will be making a 100 eyed monster.
We will be making our own snack to eat.

The pre school team would like to give back to the Community, so we are hoping that we can help the Evansville Family Christian Food Bank by collecting 100 items  they are in need of the following items
Peanut Butter
Canned Fruit 
Canned Meat

We are also asking for volunteers to help with our snack for the 100th day
 100 Cheerios
100 raisins
100 Chocolate Chips
100 pieces of Chex cereal
100 Marshmallows
100 M and Ms
There will be a sign up sheet on the wall by the door if you would like to help.

As always, Thank You for sharing your child with us as they grow and learn