My Blog List

Monday, December 9, 2013

review week

This week we will be reviewing the letters I ,T and E
Numbers 10, 11 and 12
We will be finishing up our Christmas presents and wrapping them and making Christmas Cards
We will be making a thumbprint cross
We will be using white paint and glue to make snowmen and black paper for mouth and buttons and orange for a carrot nose.

We will also finish making our Rainbow Poem to finish our color Unit.
We will be using craft sticks and painting them green and turning them into Christmas trees.
We will be learning the meaning about why the candy cane is red and white.
This week our star student is Will and next week is Zander.

Next week is our Christmas Program on Thursday and it is also half day for all students and staff.
Next week on Tuesday and Wednesday we will be watching the Polar Express and wearing our comfy PJ's

Monday, December 2, 2013

Letter E and Trapezoid,

Katie and I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

It is hard to believe that it is December already and Christmas will be here before we know it.
We will be practicing all our songs for the Christmas Program and making special gifts for our parents.

Our letter is E , we will be making elves and Christmas wreaths, and Elmer the Elephant, we will be making fried eggs in a frying pan.  We will also be painting with Eggs ( plastic eggs filled with paint and we will be tossing them onto our big paper)

We will be making the Rainbow Poem
We will be counting to 12 and playing the Dozen Pattern Game.
Our Bible Verse is: Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering Gods grace in its various forms.  1 Peter 4:10

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The letter T and the color brown and the Oval

This week we are going to be working on the letter T and the sound it makes.
We will be learning about the color brown.  
The oval shape.
We will be making pumpkin pie with brown and orange construction paper and cotton balls for whipped cream and using cinnamon for a sensory activity.

We will be learning the Teddy Bear song:
Teddy Bear, Teddy ear on the move, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear touch the ground. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear shoe me your shoe, Teddy bear Teddy Bear that will do! 

We will be using bubble wrap and painting with brown paint to make a bubble wrap teddy bear.

We will be making the letter T and turning them into a tea cup and a tea bag.
We will be doing a turtle activity, the children will draw what a turtle would carry on his back., we will be making a turtle from a paper plate.
Bible Verse:  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

WEDNESDAY IS TIE DAY, have your child wear a tie to school.

Thursday is our Thanksgiving Feast, there are still spots open to donate and to help, we will eat at 11am and parents are invited.  All day students will NOT need a lunch that day. 

If you have not signed up for a Conference Time yet there are several spots open.

If you have not paid tuition  it is now due.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The letter I, the number 10

This week we will be learning about the color green and the number 10 and the letter Ii.
We will be making a green iguana an ice cream cone with sprinkles.
We will be using a green pipe cleaner and colored beads to make an inch worm.
We will be playing a learning game with square blocks with the letters Ii and the children will be using tongs to pick up the ice cubes and putting them in the correct bucket.
We will be filling up a insect jar with 10 thumb prints ( insects)
We are building a igloo and walking in the snow ( bubble wrap)

Our bible verse is: I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the father except through me.  John 14:6


We will also be using Icing in plastic bags to practice writing  the letter I and the number 10. 

We are still collecting Yams for Thanksgiving Baskets.
Sign up sheet is on classroom door for Conferences.

Star student this week is Leah
Tuition is due =) 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Review Week

Thank You so much too all the parents that helped with our Halloween Party, fun was had by all!!

We will be reviewing this week and accessing for report cards.
Watch for a sign up sheet for Conferences, they will be on Monday November 25th  from 8 am to 4 pm 15 mins each, if you can not schedule  that day we can work something out.

We are collecting Yams in cans, so bring them in now until November 15th.  We will be helping needy families in our area!!

We will be having our 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Feast November 21 and we invite parents to come eat a Thanksgiving Dinner with their students.  Sign Up for donations will be posted.:   Need can corned, Turkey lunch meat, gravy and stuffing and rolls  Thank You in advance for your help.  We will also need parent volunteers to heat everything up/ ALL PRESCHOOL CLASSES WILL BE DOING THIS but eating in their classrooms.  NO lunch boxes needed for the full day students on that day.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Letter H, the color orange and the number 9 and Hexagon

This week will be all about the Letter H and the sound it makes.  We will be making haystacks and pumpkins.  We will also be making ghosts using white paint and our feet, so please do not be alarmed if your child comes home with white paint on their feet ( we will be using baby wipes to wipe off but just in case )
Our color this week is ORANGE 
Our bible verse this week is: Honor your father and mothers.
The children will be building houses from blocks and learning about the different kind of houses that people live in....( igloo, tee pee, )
We will be working again on building our hand strength by picking up pom pom balls with tongs and practice our cutting skills.
Our number is 9, we will be counting 9 orange Fruit Loops and then eating them.
The all day students will be making and tasting pumpkin bread on Wednesday afternoon.
Don't forget all day students to check your pumpkin seeds at home and on the window too see which one is growing so we can do our graph.

Our Halloween Party is Thursday from 9 am to 10 am, your child may wear his or her costume ( no mask and bathroom friendly please) we still have a few spots left to volunteer for this fun morning!We will be watching Spookly with the other pre school classes following our party.

Katie and I hope that you had as much fun at the zoo as we did with the kids. A BIG Thank You to all who went with us.  They loved the bus!! ( by the way)
We look forward to more field trips later in the year.
Library Books are due on Wednesdays


Our K kangaroos 

Our rectangle bulldozers

Our classroom of Astronauts 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Letter K, number 8, black and the rectangle

This week we will be learning about the letter K and the sound it makes.
Our number this week is 8 and the color black
We will be making kangaroos and spiders using the number 8
We will be traveling to the zoo on Wednesday, it is suppose to be chilly, only in the 50's, please dress warmly.

Our star student is Isaac please provide snacks for 16 students =)

We will be making some Halloween crafts, like pumpkins and bats and spiders, and even some ghosts!
Our all day students will be opening a pumpkin up and feeling the insides of the pumpkin and then counting out 8 seeds and planting them in cups.  Mrs. April and Mrs. Nettie's class will be joining us for this activity.

Fun with paint in a bag

We have been learning a Halloween song:
Five Little Pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said
Oh my its getting late
The 2nd one said
But we don't care
The 3rd one said
There are witches in the air
The 4th one said
Lets run and run and run
The 5th one said
I'm ready for some fun
OOHHHHH went the wind and out went the lights ( clap hands)
and the 5 little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Up Coming Events

  • October 23rd ~ Mesker Park Zoo field trip!! Bus is leaving at 8:30 am , so please take your child to the bathroom before hand.  And please be here at 8:15am .
  • October 27th ~ Neighborhood Party w/ Tailgate Treats -3pm-6pm
  • October 31st ~ Halloween Party - 9am-10am  sign up sheet is by our door, and we still need plenty of volunteers =) after party all pre school classes will be watching Spookly the Square Pumpkin movie in our room.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The letter X the color gray, the octagon and the number 7

This week we  will be learning about the letter X, and making xylophones and x rays.
We start a new unit this week and it is Space so we will be making astronaut helmets with the children making their own faces.
We will be making rockets from toilet paper rolls and pretending to fly them around the room.
Our number this week is 7,we will be counting 7 m and ms and eating them.

We will be making stop signs from red paper.and writing the word stop in dots and the children will trace the word.

The all day students will be going on a X marks the spot scavenger hunt, and then eating a special snack in the afternoon.

Our color is gray and we will be mixing black and white paint and putting it in zip loc bags and taping them too the desks and letting the children practice writing X and the number 7.

We are going on our first field trip to the zoo on OCT 23 ( rain date is OCT 24) 
Permission slips will be sent home and if you would like to accompany your child, please let us know!!

We will be having a Halloween Party... more info will be coming with a sign up sheet for volunteers and items that we will need.

DON'T FORGET THURSDAY IS  WEAR GRAY DAY and Tuition is due if you have already not sent that in.    

Monday, October 7, 2013

Review Week

This week is our review week on the letters: M, N and Z.
Our numbers 4, 5 and 6 
Our colors:  yellow, blue, and pink.
Shapes are: 

and  Diamond.

We will be making a shape collage, glue newspaper on the letter N.
We will be using our dry erase markers and boards to practice writing our letters and numbers.

Our Star Student this week is: Gavin, please bring a snack from our approved list and show n tell to share with your friends.

Picture Day is Oct 8 for half day students so wear your finest and bring a smile!
Full Day Students are Oct 9th!!
We will be sending home the prices and proofs as soon as we get them. 

The children had so much fun with making zucchini bread and then tasting it 

and having our zucchini car races!!
We took the children outside on Thursday for some street chalk fun and look what Will did all by himself!!!  Ms. Katie and I are very proud of him!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

The letter z, and the number 6, star shape and the color yellow

This week we will be learning about our letter Z and the sound that it makes!!  We will be building a zucchini race car and racing it with Mrs. April and Mrs. Nettie's class in the afternoon.  We will also be making Zucchini bread to eat for afternoon snack.
We will be making zebras and zippers and cutting with scissors on zig zag lines.
Our color will be yellow   and we will be gluing our glitter stars that we made last week to our night sky .
Our new unit is Dinosaurs, so we will be making dinosaurs from play dough and will be making a dinosaur using our hand prints.

We will be using sponges that are cut out in the shape of stars and using yellow paint to make a star picture.
We will be painting with yellow paint and using  zucchini pieces to see what it is like to paint with zucchini.
We will be teaching the children the song about Zaccheaus and doing an art project about the song.
 "Zacchaeus was a wee little man,
and a wee little man was he.
He climbed up in a sycamore tree
For the Lord he wanted to see.

And when the Savior passed that way
He looked up in the tree.
And said, 'Zacchaeus, you come down!
For I'm going to your house today!
For I'm going to your house today!'

Our bible verse this week is: 
"Zion hears and rejoices and the villages of Judah are glad because of your judgments, O Lord." Psalm 97:8
We are going to be doing Day 3 of creation for our 7 days of creation  book.
Day 3 is: God made the land and the plants. 
Our star student this week is: Drake  please bring a show and tell to share with the class and snacks from the approved snack list.
Tuition is due this week 
Our nests we made

 our glitter stars 

Letter N

Monday, September 23, 2013

This week is brought to you by the letter N the number 5, the color blue and the diamond

Katie and I hope that everyone had fun at our first Fall Family Picnic, so glad the weather co -operated with us.  Mrs. Stephanie found a small flip flop sandal type shoe, if your child has lost his or her shoe, please contact Mrs. Stephanie.

This week we will be learning the letter N and the number 5.
We will be making nests with blue birds using pom pom balls.
The kids will be gluing pieces of newspaper and numbers on the letter N
We will be making q tip diamonds
We will string blue noodles on yarn to make noodle necklaces. 
We will making a night sky picture using a moon and stars on black paper.
We will be making nets.
Our Bible Verse this week is Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1  

This week our star student is Delaney, please bring enough snacks for 16 children from our approved snack list.
Please return library books by Wednesday, so that your child can re check out a library book.

WE WILL BE SENDING HOMEWORK home this week, please do and return by Thursday=) 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We made ourselves

We gave the children yarn and scissors and had them cut yarn hair  and then we used a triangle piece of fabric for the dresses and made shorts for the boys and they drew on their noses and lips... each one is adorable and reflects their personality.

we love WATERMELON!!

our new week is the letter M

This week we will be learning about the letter M and the sound it makes; along with the number 4 and the color PINK.  The shape this week is a

We will be making monsters from paper bags and gluing mustaches on the letter M along with Macaroni.
We will be practicing our writing skills with the letter M and the number 4.
Some of our other crafts will be making maraca's using plastic spoons and plastic Easter eggs and rice and taping them together and going on a Maraca's Marching parade.   
We will also be going around the school with Magnets to see what sticks to them and what doesn't.
We will be counting to 4 and using our cube blocks to build a tower with four blocks.
We start our new unit next week about feelings, we will be learning about being happy, sad, mad and learn a feeling song with actions.
Mrs. Nettie and Mrs. April's class will  be joining us in the afternoon and we will be painting with marbles by rolling them around we will be using pink paint. 

Our bible verse is:  "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." John 10:27
Don't forget that our family picnic is September 19th at 11 am.... please bring a lunch for your child and a blanket and join us on the lawn.  If you can not attend please send a lunch with your student and they can join Mrs. Katie and myself on our blanket. Half day pick up will still be at 11:30.

Star Student is: Cooper and September 24 is Delaney, please bring a snack from the approved snack list and we have 16 children 

Look at me... I am learning to hold my marker and write my name!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

This week Mrs. Katie and I will be doing reviews of the letter A, V and W and the numbers 1,2,3 and the colors red, purple and white

Making Day 2 of Days of Creation
The air and the sea sea sea

This week Mrs. Katie and I will be reviewing the letters A, V, and W and the sounds that they make and we will be reviewing the numbers 1, 2, and 3. Our colors:  red,purple,and white.
Our shapes are: circle, triangle, and square.
We will be making  the letter W watermelon and using our pinkies as the seeds.  We will be making pictures of ourselves by using circles as our heads and yarn for hair that the children will be cutting themselves and triangle dresses made from fabric and squares as the shorts for the boys.
We will be squeezing playdoh to strengthen our hands.  We will be doing a modified letter search for our letters and the children will be using red, purple and white crayons to find the A, V and W.
We will be introducing a new center this week!! It is the listening station, where children will be listening and learning about The Little Red Hen.
We will also be using our crayons to do letter rubbing. We have BIG letters and will be laying a large sheet of paper on the floor and rubbing the letters A, V and W and the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
We will also be using our magnetic letters on the file cabinet to locate the letters and numbers.
In music class we are learning about Old McDonald and Bingo and Chapel time the Days of Creation: Day 1 God made LIGHT and on Day 2 God made the air and the sea sea sea. This week the children will be introduced to day 3 God made the plants and the animals
The children checked out library books and Mrs. June read them books about farm animals to go along with our Farm Animals Unit.
The children have learned the song Button Factory by Dr. Jean and Tootie Tot and also we have been going on bear hunts.
Our star Student for next week is: Ciana and for week of Sept 17th will be Cooper, please remember to bring in a snack from the approved snack list and we have 16 students.
If you have not turned in your September tuition and paper work and water bottle fee, please do so =)

September Birthdays
Happy Birthday to all!!


September 19th at 11 am  Fall Family Picnic 
Please join us on the lawn with a blanket and bring a picnic lunch and eat with your child.
Hope to see everyone there!

Thank You again with sharing your child with Katie and I, we are loving getting to know them and watching them grow!! 

Friday, August 30, 2013

more fun pictures

Fun at school. making Harold and the purple crayon, scissor cutting and puzzle fun

This week is brought to you by the letter W the number 3 and the color white and the square

We start a new unit this week and we will learning about farm animals and while on the playground we will learn about the cows that we see every day.

Our letter this week is W and we will be learning the waaaa sound you can practice with your child, our song is The W says Waaa the W says Waaa every letter makes a sound the W says Waaa.
We will be making whales and will be digging for worms outside with sand shovels and spoons and talking about them, and in art center we will be drawing worms.
Our Bible Verse this week is: "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord" Psalm 27:14
We will be building a farm with blocks  and making a square art project and using our dry erase Alphabet cards to help us learn to make the letter W.
We will be playing in noodles and and using tweezers to pick up pom pom balls to practice our small muscles in our hands.
Please have your child dress silly and wear funny things and do silly things with their hair, please just make sure that the clothes are easy to remove for bathroom times =) 

We had a visitor this week at the school on the playground, hope you enjoy our pictures of our new Home For Your Heart Resident.
 Here are some photos from our volcano eruption and counting bear and color recognition

 Please remember that Tuition is due the first week of September and if you have not sent in your water bottle fee and or emergency cards please do so.
Thank You again for sharing your child with us, as we are enjoying getting to know them and THURSDAY is WEAR WHITE DAY for the color of the week!!!

See ya Tuesday, and enjoy your Labor Day weekend!!     

Sunday, August 25, 2013

our art work for week 1

Apple painting and butterflies and ants on a log

Planting apple seeds

 digging a hole for our apple seeds...

and patting the earth so god can help our seeds grow