My Blog List

Friday, November 14, 2014

Letter I

We are going to be very busy in the next few weeks practicing our songs for our Christmas program which is December 18. (time will be announced in a future blog) making Christmas presents and wrapping them.
There is no school the week of November 24-28.
We will be doing parent conferences on Monday November 24th.  There are still some spots available for your convenience to sign up.
Our book fair is this week, please feel free to stop by the youth room (309) for your shopping pleasures before and after school. We will have a wish list posted outside our door if you would like to purchase a book for our class.
Our star student this week is: Mason please bring snacks from the approved snack list and a show and tell every day.

Our letter this week is: I and we will be making ice cream in baggies on Tuesday with the other Pre School classes. We will also be making pilgrims to go with our Indians we made last week. We read the story: The First Thanksgiving.  
The shape is: Rectangle.
Our color is: Brown and we will be reading Brown Bear Brown Bear  and stringing beads on yarn following the colors in the book.
We will be making iguana's 
Our bible verse this week is: Oh give thanks to the lord for he is good. Psalm 107:1
In the afternoon we will be playing bingo and starting on our Christmas presents. And doing an I paper to practice our writing skills.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Review Week

There is NO SCHOOL November 11th  we will be honoring our Veterans and Active Duty Service Members.  We have a few students and facility here at HFYH that are or were active duty.
Thank You for all your service and continuing to protect this great land we call home.  And Thank You to the family members that hold down the fort while they are away on deployments.

This week we will be reviewing our letters X, K and H.
We will be talking about The First Thanksgiving and the pilgrims and Indians.
We will be using brown paper plates and making Indians and using braided yarn hair.  We will be making Indian corn by using buttons and sharing our craft with our Feed My Sheep Elders Group that meets on Tuesday's.  
We will be using saran wrap and paint and making art masterpieces.
We will be playing a shape / shuffle patterning game and using our imaginations.
We are borrowing from Mrs. Mylee's room a listening station.
The children will get to try on headphones and listen and follow directions from the stories that they will hear.

Our Bible Verse: Trust in the lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5

We will also review our colors: blue,orange and grey.

Shapes are: Rectangle and Diamond 

Our Star Student is: Joshua, please provide snacks from the approved snack list and please allow your child to bring a show and tell every day. ( since we do not have school on Tuesday; Joshua may bring two on either Wed or Thurs. )


Book Fair: Nov 17-20th will be open before and after dismissal for your shopping pleasure.  
November 24 -28 NO SCHOOL  Thanksgiving Break 
Parent /Teacher Conferences 

Parent /Teacher Conferences will be on Monday the 24th
The conferences will be scheduled to start at 9:30 am.  We will have a sign up sheet available on the door for you to pick your time.  

WE WILL BE HALF DAY DEC 4th due to FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN: they will be setting up for our big packing event. ( which our children took part in this past week by packing rice. )

As always Thank You for sharing your child with us!!
We love to learn and grow at Home For Your Heart School.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Kerri and I hope that every one had a fun filled time with our Halloween party.  We both wanted to thank you for all that donated and volunteered your time to make it such a success!

Our Letter this week is H and the  color orange and the rectangle.
The bible verse is: I am the Lord, your healer. Exodus 15:26

We will be very messy this week, so please excuse our mess!
We are making adorable hedge hogs from brown play dough and malted balls and pine needles.  ( Thank You to Mrs. Nettie's son for getting all our needles )
We will be painting our hands and doing a special project which is top secret!!
We will be using a sensory bin filled with corn and using spoons to dig for treasures.

 Kerri and I are asking for each student to please bring in one small item that starts with the letter H so that we may weigh it on Thursday and estimate who's item weighs the most.

We will be reading a cute story about a little hedge hog and his red hat.  And doing a craft that goes along with the book.

Star Student this week is:  Jase
please bring a snack from the approved snack list and a show and tell every day.

As always Thank You for sharing your child with us and allowing us to be a part of their learning.