My Blog List

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Letter F and the oval and number 12

This week  in school we will be learning about the letter F.
We will be reading rainbow fish and making our own rainbow fish.
We will be coloring cookies and filling the cookie jar with 12 cookies.
We also will be using scissors and cutting out hearts and having the children draw their idea of what Jesus looks like in the heart and writing the proverb
Trust in the lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5

We will be using our fingers and lots of beautiful paint colors  and bingo blotters for some name writing and number writing.

Our star student is: Braylan  Please bring snacks and a show and tell on Thursday.
Please remember to do the homework with your child each night and return to school for a sticker.

As always Thank You for sharing your child with us as they learn and grow.  

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Letter E and oval

We had a great first week back.  Inside your child's binder you should have received a permission slip for our field trip on Wednesday January 13th to the Oaklyn Library.  8:30 t0 11:00 am.  Please have your child at school no later than 8:20 and please take them to the bathroom prior to  bringing to the classroom.  
We still have several that have not been returned.

Our letter this week is Ee and the shape is oval
and our number is 13.

To help us learn about the letter Ee, we will be riding in the school elevator and filling plastic eggs with paint and throwing them down on paper in the gym and making a egg painting.  Our imagination will be used a lot this week, we will be painting with yellow paint into a plastic cup and turning it upside down and using construction paper and cutting out frying pans.  Fried eggs.

We will be doing some interesting egg experiments.
Our number 13 will be added to our number book and we will be practicing counting to 13.  
To help us learn about ovals we will be doing a oval paper and oval game.  

Our bible verse is: Moses and the burning bush.  

Trust in the lord with all your heart Proverbs 3:5

Our star student is: Audrey 

Inside your child's binder in the protector is a practice sheet with a dry erase marker.  Please have your child practice writing their names and send to school so that Ms Nancy and I can see their work.

As always Thank You for sharing your child with us as they learn and grow.