My Blog List

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Reviewing P,B and C

This week our Star Student is: Gavin, please bring a snack off of the approved snack list.

We will be reviewing the letters P, B, and C and numbers,17,18 and 19.

We will making some of the crafts that we did not get to make due to Mother Nature.  Making pizza's from paper plates and red paint and yarn for cheese and brown construction paper for pepperoni's.
will be making cupcakes from construction paper and ice the cupcake with paint and shaving cream.

Our field trip is on Wednesday the 26th, please feel free to follow the bus, or meet us there. Let's have some fun learning at CMOE!!

We will be back to school by morning dismissal.
Friday is a MAKE UP DAY!!! We will be having school.

A fun time was had by all at the HFYH Olympics, there was a bean bag relay, the spoon relay and the running and hopping relay.
We had opening ceremonies by having each of the pre school star students from each class hold and run with our home made torch which was made by tissue paper for the flame and a toilet paper roll.  After each star student did the run we all did  the Pledge of Allegiance and the games began!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Letter C and number 18

This week is going to be extra exciting!!  The Pre- School and Pre- K classes will be hosting The Home For Your Heart  Olympics in our gym on Tuesday.  All pre school classes will be participating at 9 am  and the star students from each class will get to hold our own home made Olympic Torch and run a lap around the gym to start the games.  Every child will receive a medal!!
Watch for pictures!!

Our letter this week is C and our number is 18
The Bible Verse is:  Children, obey your parents in the lord for this is right. Ephesians 6:1

We will be baking cookies on Wednesday afternoon for snack.
We will be playing the carrot seed game where children will be rolling a dice and having to put the correct green or orange m and m on the correct number 1 through 6.
We will be making a cactus using green construction paper and green rice for the thorns and tissue paper flowers.
We will be making crowns from paper plates and using bingo blotters to decorate, the children will be counting with Katie and I and putting 18 dots on the their crowns.

We will be painting our letter C's with water and instant coffee, 
We will be making caterpillars and turning housekeeping into a camp ground.
We will also be tasting different kinds of cereal  and making  chart to see which is our class favorite.

Our star student this week is: Emerie Please bring a snack from the approved snack list and a show and tell 

Make Up Dates:
February 17
February 28
March      7
March    14
March    21
April      21

Spring Break: March 24-28 NO SCHOOL
May 14 End of Year Celebrations ( times and locations to be announced)
May 15 Graduation/Recognition Night 6:30pm, Blue Grass Main Campus.


Field Trip is: Feb 26

Monday, February 10, 2014

Letter B and 17

Our Letter this week is 
 and our number is 17
We will be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and use noodles to re create it. 

We will be making a boat using the lower case b and we will be blowing bubbles through a straw.

Our Bible Verse is: But the fruit of the spirit is love,joy,peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness and self control.
Galatians: 5.22-23

We will be making a butterfly hatching from its chrysalis using toilet paper rolls and craft sticks and construction paper. 
We will be playing Letter Bingo and Don't Spill the Beans and using bean bags with lower and upper case B's on them along with boxes and the children will have to throw the correct bean bag in the correct box.
We will be practicing writing our Bb's and counting and writing the number 17.

Our Valentines Day party is Thursday Morning, please bring in your decorated box and valentines day cards for each child. Have your child write his or her name on the card only. They will be putting the cards in his or her classmates boxes.

Our star student this week is Drake 
Tuition is due 

In your child's HFYH binder is a dry erase marker and his or her full name,  Please have them practice writing their names on the outside of the protective cover, and bring it to school so that Katie and or myself can look at it, and give them a sticker. This is homework every night.

Field Trip has been rescheduled for Feb 26 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our letter this week is P and our number is 16

Katie and I would like to Congratulate the Starnes family on the birth of their new son Konnor , he joins brother Keegan and sister Keirra . Keegan will be a great big brother!! 

Our letter this week is letter:

Our number is: 16

We will be making a Pizza out of a paper plate by painting it red and using yellow yarn as cheese and brown pepperoni ( using brown construction paper ) 

We will also be finger painting with purple paint as well as playing stack the cups to the number 16.

We will  be walking like penguins and learning the pop corn song and pretending to pop like popcorn.
We will be making P is for Penguin 

We will be doing a cooking activity with Mrs. Lynn and Mrs. Nichole's class on Thursday morning.
We will be making Piggies in a blanket..... we will be preparing pancakes and sausages wrapped in them.

Our Bible Verse is: Put on the full armor of god so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Ephesians 6:11

Our star student this week is: Delaney,   Please bring enough snacks for 16 children and also a show and tell 

Please remember tuition is due at this time and all permission slips and monies are due on Tuesday for our CMOE field trip on Wednesday . Parents and siblings are asked to meet us there and pay at the door.

We will also be sending home a note on Tuesday about our upcoming Valentines day card boxes we want you and your child to make together.  We will be having a Valentines Day Party in our classroom on Feb 13.