My Blog List

Monday, January 20, 2014

Letter Y and the number 15

This week we will be learning about the letter 
and the sound it makes.
We will be making a yak and gluing on yellow yarn on to y's.
We will be sending home a number 15 paper to do for homework.        
Please return when finished. 

Our Bible Verse is:  You oh Lord, keep my lamp burning:  My god turns my darkness into light. Psalm 18:28.

We will be doing dot to dot Y's on the dry erase boards and writing the number 15.

We will be doing lacing cards with yarn and using our play dough and pressing them onto Y's.
We will be using yogurt in zip lock bags and tracing Y's in the yogurt.
We will be burying yellow things into the sand table and the children will be digging for them.
We will also be making one of our snacks this week.
We will be making Yo Yo's using string licorice and Oreo cookies.
Our Star Student this week is Carson, please bring enough snacks for 16 students.
Please return your pre registration to hold your spot for next year.  We still have a few out. 
Please start saving an empty Kleenex box , we will be sending home information soon, about what you and your child will be doing with that empty Kleenex box!! 

Monday, January 13, 2014

This week is bought to you by the letter L and the number 14

This week we will be learning about the letter L and the sound that it makes and learning the difference from our left and our right.
We will be making lollipops, and lady bugs  by painting a paper plate red and using out thumbs for the spots.         
We will be playing pack your lunch game.  We will have nutritious foods and junk foods and on the backs of the food is a smile face or frown face, and the kids have to pick the correct foods to put in the lunch box.
We will also be playing the line game... we will be using a ribbon and the children have to walk on top of it, we will have big and small lines, they will be also drawing lines.
We will be doing our first dot to dot... Find Farmer Brown and color 14 horses.

We will be doing an estimation station... the children will each get a chance to  estimate how many lollipops are in our glass jar.  The first child who guesses correctly or closest will win the lollipops, and he or she will then share the lollipops with the class.

We will be tasting lemons and limes  and Katie and I are sure we will have some great pictures from this activity.

Our Bible Verse is: Love the Lord, your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.

We will be also sorting animal crackers and only eating the lions.
We will be practicing pouring liquid ( water with food coloring in it) from one container to another.

Our star Student this week is Chloe:   please bring enough snacks for 16 students and please bring in something special to share with the class.

Our class wish list: Baby Wipes and Hand Sanitizer and paper towels.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A New Year 2014

Hello, Everyone

Katie and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Celebration of Jesus's Birthday as well as a fun filled New Years.

Just some quick reminders:

1.  Please ignore the star student list.... as Katie and I will be making a new one because over the holiday break, we found out we are getting two new students.
2.  We are sad to see Cooper leave and move to Texas, but it is a great opportunity for Greg and Katie.
     We will miss you COOP!!!!
3.  Please look inside your child's back pack and change out the shorts and short sleeve tops and replace with warmer clothes with temperatures falling and blustery winds, Katie and I would feel awful sending them out to you dressed in shorts if it is so very cold outside.

4.  MOPS ( mothers of pre- schoolers ) starts Jan 8 at the main campus, so come one come all and have some coffee and meet other pre -school moms and make some crafts and share ideas and laughter.. You can join via the web: MOPS@Blue

Tuition will be due when we start up again on Tuesday Jan 7th

Please be advised that we will follow EVSC
1 hr delay, all students arrive 1 hour later.

2 hr delay,  no school for 1/2 day students, all day students report at 11:45 please bring your lunch and early arrival is: 10:30

You will be receiving pre-registration forms for next year's enrollment.  If you are not going to use it please feel free to pass it onto a friend, neighbor, or relative.
You can always find information at: or on the home for your heart school facebook page.  This facebook page is by invite only.  If you need to be added please message either Katie or myself..

Come one come all:  OPEN HOUSE
January 30th  9am -2pm 
So please spread the word and have your friends or relatives come with their little ones to see what Home For Your Heart School is all about.