My Blog List

Friday, October 25, 2013

Letter H, the color orange and the number 9 and Hexagon

This week will be all about the Letter H and the sound it makes.  We will be making haystacks and pumpkins.  We will also be making ghosts using white paint and our feet, so please do not be alarmed if your child comes home with white paint on their feet ( we will be using baby wipes to wipe off but just in case )
Our color this week is ORANGE 
Our bible verse this week is: Honor your father and mothers.
The children will be building houses from blocks and learning about the different kind of houses that people live in....( igloo, tee pee, )
We will be working again on building our hand strength by picking up pom pom balls with tongs and practice our cutting skills.
Our number is 9, we will be counting 9 orange Fruit Loops and then eating them.
The all day students will be making and tasting pumpkin bread on Wednesday afternoon.
Don't forget all day students to check your pumpkin seeds at home and on the window too see which one is growing so we can do our graph.

Our Halloween Party is Thursday from 9 am to 10 am, your child may wear his or her costume ( no mask and bathroom friendly please) we still have a few spots left to volunteer for this fun morning!We will be watching Spookly with the other pre school classes following our party.

Katie and I hope that you had as much fun at the zoo as we did with the kids. A BIG Thank You to all who went with us.  They loved the bus!! ( by the way)
We look forward to more field trips later in the year.
Library Books are due on Wednesdays


Our K kangaroos 

Our rectangle bulldozers

Our classroom of Astronauts 

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled across this post on a search for something else and was really pleased to see the great work you are doing in your classroom!

    I believe strongly that we just don't take enough time to thank our teachers. So please accept this thank you from me :)

    I appreciate all of the collaborative work you are fostering in your classroom — it makes such a difference when children have the chance to learn from each other! Congratulations on a job well done.
